The Teaching Team
Isabel Collins, Johnny Coen, Aideen Flannery, Niall Maher, Colette Plower
The Coding Department offer a short course in coding to all students in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year. The short courses focuses on a number of aspects of coding and computer science over the three years. These include:
- Learning to touch type
- Learning basic word processing skills in Microsoft Office
- The parts of a computer and proper maintenance
- The application of the internet and web design
- Learning to Code - Khan Academy (Javascript)
- Continuing the Code - Scratch
- Web Design - HTML & CSS
Examples of student projects can be found at the links below:
Javascript Examples
Scratch Examples
The Short Course in Coding is assessed through a CBA (Continuous Based Assessment) which is completed in Third Year.
This is a student based project whereby students apply the skills that they have learned over the previous two years.
Junior Cert Specification and Curriculum can be viewed here: